The non-governmental organization VATANCHI is the platform that unites Tatars around the world. The main goal of the organization is to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of the Tatar people, to introduce it to future generations, as well as to everyone interested in Tatar culture.
The organization strives to widely cover events and activities and popularize important elements of identity. And also to create favorable conditions for the successful development of the Tatar nation.

Flag of the VATANCHI

Founded August 6, 2020

Founder Ilnar Kamalv

Headquarters: Istanbul, Türkiye

The main values ​​of the VATANCHI Movement are: traditions, culture, history, language, religion, national unity.

VATANCHI is the person who is not indifferent to the fate of his people; the one who feels ownership and unity with his people is ready to participate and strengthen the unity and spirit of the people (Tatarlyk).

Tatars are the second largest people in Russia.

Tatars play the leading role in expanding Russia's economic and political ties in the Islamic world and the Turkic states.

Tatarstan is one of the most economically developed industrial regions and one of the main donor regions of Russia.

Kazan Tatars are a nation with more than 1000 years of history, with its own rich culture, language, religion and traditions.

Tatarlyk (Tatarness)
Tatarlyk (Tatarness) is the national identity, formed on the basis of religion, culture and traditions by various generations of the Tatar people.
These are people who consider themselves to be the Tatar nation, this is what is in their blood, devotion to Islam, connection with their ancestors, with their tragic history, with Tatars around the world, with their native language, with the Republic of Tatarstan and other Tatar lands.
Tatarlyk includes: commitment to one’s people, respect and preservation of the Tatar language, support and development of cultural traditions, observance of religious customs passed down from generation to generation. This is the desire for unity and solidarity among the Tatars, regardless of their place of residence, and for the protection of their national interests.
VATANCHI goals and subject of activity.
  • Ilnar Kamalov
    The chairman of a non-governmental organization VATANCHI