The non-governmental organization VATANCHI is the platform that unites Tatars around the world. The main goal of the organization is to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of the Tatar people, to introduce it to future generations, as well as to everyone interested in Tatar culture. The organization strives to widely cover events and activities and popularize important elements of identity. And also to create favorable conditions for the successful development of the Tatar nation.
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VATANCHI is the person who is not indifferent to the fate of his people; the one who feels ownership and unity with his people is ready to participate and strengthen the unity and spirit of the people (Tatarlyk).
Geography certainly influences political decisions. The Tatars residence on the northernmost outskirts of the Islamic world influenced not only political decisions made in Volga Bulgaria or in the Kazan Khanate. The feeling of remoteness and being left to oneself was entrenched in the Tatar subconscious. This idea was perfectly expressed by Emir Jafar ibn Abdullah, under whom Volga Bulgaria officially converted to Islam in 922. He owns words that remain relevant to this day. In a polemic with Ibn Fadlan, he says the following: “If the Caliph (al-Muqtadir Billah 895-932) had sent his army to me, would it have reached me? Ibn Fadlan replied: no, what if the Amir of Khorosan sent his army? Jafar ibn Abdullah continued. No, repeated Ibn Fadlan. Is it because there is a considerable distance between us and a large number of infidel tribes? Of course, Ibn Fadlan answered.” (122,رسالة ابن فضلان) Jafar ibn Abdullah, emir of Volga Bulgaria, understood perfectly well that neither the caliph's troops nor the troops of Khorasan would reach his lands. Accordingly, they will neither harm nor provide support to him, even with a strong desire. Today, despite the fact that there is a distance between us of more than a thousand years, the Tatars’ attitude to politics remains unchanged - to trust in the Almighty and rely on their own strengths.